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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

To improve the economy, policies and systems should be improved: President Lingden

'Private sector should be organized not to give donations and bribes to political parties'

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Rajendra Lingden, Chairman of National Democratic Party, has said that in order to improve Nepal's economy, policies and systems should be improved. Lingden said that the role of the private sector should also be serious for the improvement of the economy.

To improve the economy, policies and systems should be improved: President Lingden

In the Economic Summit organized by Kantipur Media Group on Sunday, Chairman Lingden said, "We have to change our policy and the system that we are adopting, the system that requires so many people's representatives, the system that requires so many people's representatives has to be improved. There is a factor,' he said, 'in a small country like Nepal, there are more than 36,000 people's representatives. From the ward members to the president and former president, they have to be paid allowances. Policy, system and above that, those who are leading now, we say we are running the country, the intention of it had to change .

Lingden said that the political system and the policies taken by the state are responsible for the country's economic weakness. He said that the double tax system and the lack of coordination between the state agencies are also factors in the economy not being able to rise. "In the policy that we are following, a trader brings the goods exempted from customs . After bringing it, the Internal Revenue will give him grief again. It should not be separated from the internal revenue, it is called revenue investigation,' he said. He also criticized the fact that three tiers of government impose taxes on the same goods and services.

Lingden said that there is also a problem in registering industries in Nepal. He said, 'I don't need to tell you how many rounds an industrialist has to go through to register the industry. It would have been possible if it was done only by being dizzy, you have to avoid someone's face, you have to walk avoiding it.'

Lingden said that it should not be assumed that this political system is necessary for running the country. He gave an example of how India and China have different political systems but the economy is booming.

Lingden's statement was that people in political leadership are making laws to avoid themselves. He said, 'When we are making the law, we should keep ourselves in the center, how we can easily get commission, how we can get money without the authorities, how we can take money without evidence, keeping it in the center, we will make the law and law Let's make . When we blame, we give to the businessmen, but we have made the businessmen corrupt.'

President Lingden said that the private sector has come to the conclusion that the country will not be built and the economy will not rise without taking commitment from the political party leaders . Stating that it will not happen only if the political parties do not make a commitment, he said, 'You have to face some difficulties yourself in an organized manner. You also had to stand up a bit more strongly not to call this bribery commission and not to give donations.'

Lingden said that there is no way for Nepal to be ruined beyond the current situation. He said, 'let's make a commitment that we will not create laws with ourselves as the center, and determine the tax rate as the center.' He said that the country cannot move forward without advancing the private sector and increasing the morale of the private sector.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३०, २०८१ १९:०१
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