कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४६

Buddha and lotus in the picture

The lotus blooms in the mud but is tender and beautiful. It is also sacred. Similarly Buddha also left the palace. Leaving the palace means joining the land. He sat under a tree and did penance for a long time, gained knowledge. So Buddha and Kamal seem to be the same.

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Narayani, which flows through the middle, divides Narayangadh and Gaindakot geographically. But this did not stop the collaboration of the painters of this region. That is why, on the occasion of Buddha Jayanti, the creations of artists from both sides have been displayed in the painting exhibition organized by Gaindakot Pragya Pratishthan.

Buddha and lotus in the picture

There are 13 paintings in the exhibition. 9 of them are the creations of artists from Chitwan. Every picture has a Buddha and a lotus along with it.

'I saw these pictures. All are Buddha images and each image has a lotus along with the Buddha. Why did this happen? Why would Buddha and Kamal be placed together,' said Uday Adhikari of Chitwan while looking at the picture. Uday Adhikari is also a reviewer. He also inquired with the organizers about the condition and possibilities of painting in Chitwan and Gandakot areas. Learn about activities to promote and promote the arts. Since the exhibition was also held with 'art discussion', the organizer, member secretary of Gaindakot Nagar Pragya Pratishthan, Bhim Prasad Sharma, started answering the questions raised.

'Lotus blooms in mud but is tender and beautiful. It is also sacred. Similarly Buddha also left the palace. Leaving the palace means joining the land. He sat under a tree and did penance for a long time, gained knowledge. So it seems like Buddha and Kamal are the same," said Sharma. That's why they asked to put the lotus along with the Buddha in the paintings of the exhibition, he said. Chitwan and Gandakot together are holding art exhibitions every now and then. But there is no organized gallery here. It is not important that the art got proper value and respect after painting. And what were the pictures made? Good, bad? It is difficult to find a critic who says so much,'' said Sharma. In the

exhibition, there is one/one painting by Govindaraj Vinodi, Bhimprasad Sharma, Ramhari Shrestha, Prakash Thapa and D Baral, Barunbabu Ghimire, Sushil Gurung, Akriti Ghimire, Pramesh Kandel, Gopal Tamang, Narayan Sapkota, Santosh Shrestha and Shulabh Poudel. Prakash Thapa, an old painter of Chitwan, says that having a gallery would be an opportunity for artists, art lovers and art critics to gather at one place. If this happens, the artist gets to improve himself. Art lovers find the creations they are looking for. As the art review increases, the creation becomes more refined. That is why we have been saying that there is a need for art villages and galleries. There has been no hearing, said Thapa.

Literary writer Gayatri Shrestha said that she is a resident of Narayangadh but there is not much activity about painting in Chitwan Narayangadh area. Sarita Tiwari, another writer, opined that for the development of art, the municipality and the private sector should also support each other. Government agencies and local levels should also be called upon to assist in this work. Also, private sector bodies like the Chamber of Commerce and Industry should also pay attention to it,” Tiwari said. "The creators of Chitwan and Gaindakot areas from literature to art are in collaboration," said Govindaraj Vinodi, vice-chancellor of the academy, writer, "There is no alternative to work together for the development and expansion of quality creations." The exhibition will be held in the gallery next to the office of Gaindakot Pragya Academy after Buddha Jayanti.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २८, २०८१ ०७:२९
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