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Today in 2018: Merkel chancellor for the fourth time


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On this day (March 14) in 2018, Angela Merkel began her fourth term as German Chancellor. She became the head of the coalition government 171 days after the general election.

Today in 2018: Merkel chancellor for the fourth time

Merkel is the longest-serving head of government in a European country. Merkel, who has been the head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000, first became Chancellor of Germany in 2005.

Since then she held the position continuously until 2021. She is also the first woman to become Chancellor of Germany. Born on July 17, 1954 in Hamburg, West Germany, Merkel became active in politics after the 1989 revolution that brought down the Berlin Wall. Merkel, who has played a significant role in boosting Germany's economy, is also known as "The Decider" in European politics.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० ०७:५९
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