कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४७

Happy, Kiran and Vasanta win in the seventh skating


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Happy Bik won the women's open section of the 7th Skating and Skateboarding Championship held on Saturday in Tokha municipality. In that event, Samsika Rai was second and Lemang Magar was third. In men's junior category, Kiran Lama Gurung was the first, Yama Bahadur Kamu was the second, Abeesh Parivar was the third.

Happy, Kiran and Vasanta win in the seventh skating

First in Senior Men Vasant Rai 1st, Sharad Rai 2nd And Panthelin Sherpa is third. Winners of all categories received Rs 25,000, second runners-up Rs 15,000 and third runners-up Rs 10,000.

President of Nepal Skating and Skateboarding Association Achyut Khanal said that 180 junior and senior men and 70 junior and senior women players participated in the two-day competition. Inaugurating the

competition, Federal Affairs and General Administration Minister Bhanubhakta Joshi said that skating and skateboarding are adventurous and enticing sports and playgrounds should be made for it in all 753 municipalities.

In the opening of the competition jointly organized by the Nepal Skating and Skateboarding Association and the National Sports Council, the organizer and singer Prakash Saput also asked the players to name the country from this game and promised to promote the game.

Prakash Adhikari, the head of Tokha municipality, said that he felt proud when the tournament was organized in his municipality and asserted that no athlete from his municipality should be deprived of playing in tournaments inside and outside the country due to lack of finances.

General Secretary of Nepal Olympic Committee Nilendraraj Shrestha and others handed over skateboards to the athletes.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ २१:१०
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