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In the Far West, the Ministry was divided into 10 to arrange the share

अर्जुन शाह

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In the Far West, the United Socialist Party-led UML, Maoist Center and Civil Immunity Party's joint government has divided ministries to give responsibilities to departmental and non-departmental ministers. Chief Minister Dilig Bahadur Sodari on Sunday divided four ministries to give responsibility to five ministers who were previously without departments.

In the Far West, the Ministry was divided into 10 to arrange the share

Chief Minister Sodari split the previously existing Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives and Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forestry and Environment and assigned responsibilities to non-departmental ministers.

The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development has been divided into the Ministry of Water Resources and Urban Development and the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Development. Under which the responsibility of the Ministry of Water Resources and Urban Development has been given to Akkal Bahadur Rawal, who was previously without a department. Rawal is an MP of the Maoist Center . Kailash Chaudhary, who was previously the Minister of Physical Infrastructure Development, has been assigned the responsibility of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport.

The Ministry of Social Development has been divided into the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Health, Women and Children. The responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has been given to Lakshmi Vick. Vik, who was previously a non-departmental minister, is an MP from the Maoist Center. The Ministry of Health, Women and Children has been assigned to Om Vikram Bhat, who was previously the Social Development Minister. Bhat was earlier Minister of Social Development .

Similarly, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forestry and Environment and the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative Development have been divided into three ministries. Under which the Ministry of Forest Environment and Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reform and Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Tourism and Culture have been formed. In which Bir Bahadur Thapa of UML has been given responsibility in the Ministry of Forests, Environment and Cooperatives, and Maya Pant of Integrated Socialists has been given responsibility in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Tourism and Culture. Tika Thapa, who was previously the Minister of Lands, Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives, has been given the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reforms.

The responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law has been given to UML's Hira Sarki . Along with this, there are now 10 ministries including the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers in Far West. Earlier, there were seven ministries including the office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers in Far West.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १३:०८
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