कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

We have not been able to establish the status of the plan for 7 years since the formation of the provincial structure: Chief Minister Kandel

ज्योति कटुवाल

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Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Yamlal Kandel, said that the status of the plan could not be established for 7 years after the formation of the provincial structure. He said that due to the inability to change the method of selection of plans at the state level, development was not possible as expected.

We have not been able to establish the status of the plan for 7 years since the formation of the provincial structure: Chief Minister Kandel

Inaugurating the good practice presentation program organized by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration in Birendranagar, Chief Minister Kandel said that it is necessary to make a policy that suits the geography of Karnali. "How can the overall country's policy help in the development and prosperity of Karnali," he said, "Development and prosperity here is possible only if policies are made and implemented based on the characteristics of Karnali." ; "There is zero infrastructure development in Karnali, which is rich in natural resources and large geography," he said.

Nim Bahadur KC, the coordinator of the National Federation of Rural Villages, said that the local level is running at a loss. He said that the union government will cut the balance while implementing the equalization budget. The work done by the local level is done by the union government and the state government. ,' he said, 'When three levels of government work on the same thing, it will not be development, it will be destruction.'

Member of the Central Secretariat of Nepal Municipality Association and head of Sarada Municipality, Prakash Bhandari said that the authority's office is like a houguzi for the three levels of government. "There is a situation where the ward president cannot give recommendations for small jobs," he said, "employees do not agree to work as an office of authority, and where is the development if the people's representative works alone?"

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ १६:२६
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