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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

Snow leopard conservation challenges despite increasing numbers

राजबहादुर शाही

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Although the number of rare snow leopards in the Himalayan district of Dolpa is considered to be the highest in Nepal, there is a challenge in conservation. Although the Division Forest Office released the data that 90 rare snow leopards were found in the She-Foksundo National Park area and 30 in the Division Forest community area, it said that there is a challenge in conservation.

Snow leopard conservation challenges despite increasing numbers

Bishwababu Shrestha, Senior Conservation Officer of the She-Foksundo National Park Office, said that the main challenge in snow leopard conservation is due to the impact of climate change and other threats to their habitats due to poaching, feeding, and wildfires.

According to him, snow leopard's favorite food and habitat is Nigalo. It has been seen that snow leopards may become a problem as the locals start using Nigalo for their purposes.

'Snow leopard's skin is the main food of snow leopard,' he said, 'Snow leopard may have a lack of food after the snow starts to disappear.'

It was seen that in some places even Dhamijhankri used to shed the skin of the snow leopard. Due to this situation, there has been a problem in snow leopard conservation, he said. The Park Office has said that this animal living in the snowy Serophoro may be at risk due to climate change, when the snow starts to decrease and the mountains become bare.

On the other hand, it is estimated that the snow leopard will be affected when the temperature starts to rise due to climate change . Shrestha said that Dolpa can become the main research of snow leopard. Climate change will kill the snow leopard He said that it is necessary to investigate what has affected it.

The Nepal government and the World Wildlife Fund first conducted a sign survey in 2009, i.e. when calculating the footprints of snow leopards using the urine method, it was estimated to be 110 to 130 . In 2019, 319 automatic cameras were installed and counted using trapping survey technology. Chandrajung Hamal, Research and Field Program Officer of the World Wildlife Fund, said that the count of the snow leopard was done for the first time in Dolpa using this technology.

According to the fund, the number of snow leopards around the world is around 4,000 to 6,500. According to Divisional Forest Officer Rawat, the number of snow leopards found in Dolpa is high in terms of population density found in 12 countries in Asia.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ २१:४८
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