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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Free Ayurveda services to senior citizens

डीबी बुढा

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Senior citizens get free Ayurveda treatment services. Ayurveda service has been started by establishing an Ayurveda pharmacy in the office of senior citizens located in Chandannath municipality-5. Nanda Prasad Neupane, head of Ayurveda Health Center Jumla informed that Ayurveda services are provided at the same place as most of the senior citizens come to the office.

Free Ayurveda services to senior citizens

According to him, the Ayurveda Health Center has started providing services with the help of Chandannath Municipality. Chandannath Municipality allocated 2 million rupees to provide Ayurveda health services. which has managed Ayurveda pharmacy room, purchase of Ayurveda medicine, affection room, rest room and Ayurveda steam room.

Out of the 2 million rupees given by the municipality, the pharmacy was operated with 950,000 rupees. 2 employees have also been managed for that service. Chandannath-10 Senior Citizens are very happy that the Ayurveda Hospital in Bohoragaon is far and difficult to go to, so the service has been started at the Senior Citizens Office.

Tularam Neupane, Acting President of District Senior Citizens' Association, Jumla, expressed his happiness that Chandannath Municipality, Ayurveda Health Center recently conducted senior citizen-friendly health services . He said, 'You don't always have to go to the temple to worship God. It is enough to provide services to senior citizens like us.

Rajusingh Kathayat, Mayor of Chandannath Municipality, said that the service of senior citizens is the most important as all are the senior citizens of tomorrow. He said that the municipality is trying to do more good work in the organization where senior citizens from all over the district are affiliated.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २९, २०८० १६:१९
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