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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५५

Only 18 percent was planted in Lumbini region

सन्जु पौडेल

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Till mid-June, only 18.5 percent planting has been done in Lumbini region. According to Dilliraj Paudel, an agricultural economist from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology and Land Management, Lumbini, only 18.5 percent of the planting has been completed here till June 14.

Only 18 percent was planted in Lumbini region

"Due to lack of timely rains this year too, paddy planting has been less in the province, he said, if there had been timely rains, planting would have been around 50 percent." Last year, 11.09 percent of paddy was planted in Lumbini province till June 14.

Out of the total area of ​​3 lakh 11 thousand 643 hectares to be planted, only 67 thousand 667 hectares have been planted so far. According to Paudel, the most rice planting in the province has been done in Pyuthan. Paddy is planted in a total area of ​​5,220 hectares in Pyuthan.

Out of which, 6,525 hectares of rice planting area in Pyuthan, i.e. 80 percent of the rice planting area, has been completed . Similarly, Paudel said that 11,878 hectares or 58 percent of the 20,480 hectares of paddy planting area in West Nawalparasi of the Terai district have already been planted. Kapilvastu, which had the most paddy planting during this period last year, is currently the least planted in the data. In Kapilvastu, paddy is planted in an area of ​​69 thousand 497 hectares. This year, only 4 percent of the area to be planted has been planted .

Similarly, 23 percent planting has been completed in Rupandehi. Out of the 63 thousand 497 hectares of paddy production area in Rupandehi, 14 thousand 604 hectares have been planted. According to the information given by Poudel, 10 percent of the main rice producing district of Dang and 23.8 percent of Bardia have been planted.

Out of the total 37 thousand 225 hectares of rice planting area in Dang district, 3 thousand 723 hectares have been planted, while in Bardia, out of the 50 thousand 100 hectares, planting has been completed in 11 thousand 899 hectares . Out of the 34,850 hectares of paddy production area in Banke, 697 hectares have been planted. 11 percent planting has been completed in Gulmi, the district that produces the most rice in the hilly districts of Lumbini Province. In Gulmi, paddy is cultivated in an area of ​​7,988 hectares, while only 879 hectares have been planted so far.

Palpa has a total of 8 thousand Out of 240 hectares, 742 hectares of the area, i.e. 9 percent, have been planted. 22 percent planting has been done in Arghakhanchi. 3 thousand 446  in Rolpa; Hector (75) percent of the area has been planted . 4  in Rolpa; 595 hectares and in Arghakhanchi 7 thousand 701 hectares of paddy cultivation. Out of the 962 hectares of paddy cultivation area in Rukum East, planting has been completed in 106 hectares, the ministry said. Which is 11 percent of the total rice cultivation area .

Ministry's information officer Yuvraj Dhakal said that due to the lack of irrigation and dependence on sky water, there was a low amount of paddy planting. "Since the irrigation area cannot be increased and the sky has to depend on water, on top of that, the rain has been delayed this year," he said, "and this has affected the planting."

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १३:१०
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