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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Lumbini State Assembly meeting adjourned till Sunday

Congress obstruction in budget discussion

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The meeting of the Lumbini State Assembly has been adjourned till Sunday. The discussion on the budget presented by the government for the coming year started on Thursday.

Lumbini State Assembly meeting adjourned till Sunday

The fifteenth meeting of the second day was held on Friday at 2 pm. Immediately after the meeting started, the leader of the opposition party and former Chief Minister Dilli Bahadur Chaudhary demanded special time and protested saying that the budget was anti-federalism and the Congress would oppose the budget. Speaker Tularam Gharti adjourned the meeting for half an hour for dialogue, but as the discussion could not take place, the notice was postponed until 8 am on Sunday.

The Secretary of the State Assembly, Darbarb Kumar Pun, issued a notice and mentioned that the fifteenth meeting of the fourth session was adjourned for half an hour, and the next sixteenth meeting will be held on Sunday at 8 am as per the instructions of the Speaker. Speaking at the meeting on Friday, Congress Parliamentary Party leader and former Chief Minister Choudhary said that the Congress would oppose the budget and disrupt the meeting as it was against the agriculture and tourism sectors. After that, the members of the state assembly of the opposition party stood up and protested.

Leader Choudhary had protested saying that the government, which prioritizes agriculture and tourism, reduced the budget of 580 million in agriculture from the current year, and also reduced the budget in tourism. He argued that a government that cannot deliver fertilizer to farmers on time cannot be farmer-friendly.

He said that the government has also cut the budget reserved for the endangered communities of the province, including the Wadi, Gandharva, Chamar, and Natua castes. He said that Congress will stand against the budget saying that federalism will not be implemented only by making a way.

'The budget is theoretically anti-federalism, it is anti-agriculture and tourism,' he said, 'Federalism will not be implemented by building roads, the budget for giving fertilizer seeds to farmers and branding local products is necessary for Lumbini.' And he said that the Congress will stand against the budget saying that the concerns have not been addressed and that the budget has flowed in unproductive areas.

प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ १७:०३
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