कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५८

Attraction in the tourist area Kisan Raithane Bali

नवीन पौडेल

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Farmers of East Nawalparasi are attracted to Rainathe crops. Residents of Kawasoti municipality in the district have been coming to the local community seed bank in search of seeds of Zhinua and Anadi.

Attraction in the tourist area Kisan Raithane Bali

It is an old tradition to cook unadi's chichar and jhinua as a delicious meal in the local market during festivals and fairs for household purposes and to welcome guests. Therefore, the farmers here have started cultivating jhinua and anadi.

At first, farmers mainly planted high-yielding high-yielding rice to eat all year round and sell it to avoid household expenses. Maan Mahato of Kawasoti Municipality-14 said.

The Agricultural Development and Conservation Farmers Committee has been operating a seed bank in Kawasoti Municipality-14 Agyuli to preserve the seeds of traditional rice and Raithane crops.

This year, 50 percent more Raithane variety rice seeds have been sold than last year. In addition to the Raithane variety, some advanced varieties of rice such as Savitri, Sawa, War are also kept in the seed bank for sale and distribution according to the demand of the consumers.

Community Seed Bank Nepal president Parvati Bhandari said that after Ghyupuri rice of Raithane variety was in high demand, they reached West Bardia and bought seeds. To meet the demand of rice from local villages, Anadi, Jhinuva, Kanakjira, Jogani, Raithane like Sathiya, Sattari etc. has been protecting paddy.

This organization, which has been operating a seed bank in a collective effort, has planted pulses, Oilseeds and pulse crops, millet, papara, paddy, Laziness, Raithane has also been working on crop protection and seed exchange, including banana and sesame.

For the sustainable operation of the seed bank, there is managerial and technical support from the agricultural knowledge center located in the local municipality and district. Sanjay Dhakal, an agricultural economist at the Agricultural Knowledge Center Nawalpur, said that the seed bank has recently increased the interest of farmers in Raithane crops rather than Bikase varieties.

The local farmers have also become excited after white andi and ghyupuri, which are very sweet and are grown only in the rains, have started to be produced even in winter.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १८:४१
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