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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७१

Free cataract surgery for 70 people in Raksirang

प्रताप विष्ट

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70 cataract patients were operated free of charge on Sunday in the remote Raksirang Rural Municipality of Makwanpur. At Praja Jagriti Secondary School in Chainpur, the center of Raksirang rural municipality, patients with cataracts were operated free of charge.

Free cataract surgery for 70 people in Raksirang

The camp was started with the operation of 95-year-old Manjarimaya Chepang, who has been blind in both eyes for the past one year due to cataracts. Rajkumar Malla, chairman of the rural municipality, said that 5 out of 70 people were operated on both eyes.

A free eye camp was conducted from June 12th to 15th under the technical support of Hetounda Community Eye Hospital and the management of Raksirang Rural Municipality under the organization of Wagmati Province Health Directorate. 578 people's eyes were examined in the camp conducted at seven places in the village. During the eye examination, 85 people were found to have cataracts.

Cataract surgery was performed with the participation of 11 expert doctors from Hetaunda Eye Hospital, informed the program coordinator Dr. Singh.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १९:०८
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