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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Budget on third child incentive in Bhimeshwar, Dolakha

Bhimeshwar has announced that as soon as the third child is born, he will open the bank account of the new-born child and deposit 10,000.
केदार कार्की

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Bhimeshwar Municipality of Dolakha has announced the third child incentive program.  Announcing the budget for the fiscal year 2081/82 in the Fifth Municipal Assembly on Monday, Deputy Chief Kamala Basnet announced the third child incentive program in Bhimeshwar.

Budget on third child incentive in Bhimeshwar, Dolakha

Bhimeshwar has announced that as soon as the third child is born, he will open the bank account of the new-born child and deposit 10,000.

In the 2078 census, the population of 8 local levels out of 9 local levels of the district While it was negative, only Bhimeshwar was positive. The population growth statistics of Bhimeshwar Municipality was published. In 2068, it was 32 thousand 486 and in the census of 2078 it reached 34 thousand 712. According to this data, only 0.64 percent of the population is positive. Deputy Chief Basnet said that even though there is only an increase in the statistics, the slums are exhausted and do not have another child after 1/2 children.

'Community schools are empty without students, the number of people coming to health institutions for pregnancy tests is also low,' she said She said that the children's incentive program has been introduced from the third year under the name - Bright future. "It is not only a program to encourage the third child to keep the population positive," she said, "We have started work to bring more plans for the education and health of those who have a third child." She said that the employment program was announced as 'one house and one woman'. "We have introduced a program to make a woman the main person in the household self-sufficient from this year," she said She said that the municipality has allocated an amount of 59 lakhs to create jobs based on local resources.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १७:२७
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