कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८२

Let the Koshi-Kamala diversion be carried out quickly: President

अवधेशकुमार झा

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President Ramchandra Paudel has requested the Nepal government to conduct the Koshi-Kamala diversion as soon as possible. In the felicitation program held at the famous Chinnamasta Bhagwati Temple in Chinnamasta Rural Municipality of Saptari on Tuesday after the puja, President Paudel expressed his belief that the problem of drought would be solved if the Koshi-Kamala diversion is implemented in the districts including Saptari, which can lead to agricultural revolution.

Let the Koshi-Kamala diversion be carried out quickly: President

Stating that Saptari is an old and historic district, President Paudel also recalled the history of the liberation of Indian leaders Jaiprakash Narayan and Ram Manohar Lohia during the Indian independence movement of 1947.

Stating that the old and historic Saptari district of Madhesh has been backward lately, President Paudel said that he will stand with Saptari residents for the overall development of Saptari including Gajendra Narayan Singh Hospital in Rajviraj and Saptari is his He said that he would not leave his heart.

Chinnamasta Bhagwati temple is a place where millions of devotees of Nepal and India feel reverence and security. President Paudel said that he was happy to visit Chinnamasta Bhagwati for the first time as the president.

Chinnamasta Rural Municipality President Vidyananda Chaudhary and Vice President Rajodevi Yadav honored them by wearing a letter of appreciation, Dosalla and Mithila.

President Paudel, who came to Chinnamasta with his wife, was welcomed by members of the House of Representatives Dinesh Kumar Yadav and Tejulal Chaudhary, provincial assembly members Neelam Rajak, Chinnamasta Rural Municipality Chairman Vidyanand Chaudhary, Chief District Officer Kiran Thapa Saptari.

President Paudel performed ritual worship at Chinnamasta temple.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २७, २०८० ११:१३
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