कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

A man was arrested with the drug marijuana

अवधेशकुमार झा

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It has been confirmed that the narcotic ganja is being smuggled to India by keeping it in a boat from the Saptakosi river. There used to be a discussion about the narcotic marijuana being traded to India from the Kosi barrage area of ​​Saptari. This time the police confirmed the incident.

On Monday, the police arrested a man with five kilos of marijuana while fleeing in a boat.

According to the Madhesh Pradesh Police Office, Lalku Sada of Hanumannagar Kankalini Municipality-1 was apprehended when he tried to escape by putting five kilos of ganja packed with plastic tape in a nylon bag and putting it in a boat at Kosi Barrage.

Ganja has been repeatedly arrested from the Kosi barrage area. Marijuana is brought from hilly districts and stored in Kosi Barrage and from there it is smuggled to India through the Kosi River by boat.

The police have also detained one person with 500 grams of marijuana from the Magic Van carrying passengers. Under the road leading to Gaighat, the police team deployed from the area police office Kadorwana in Surunga Municipality-4 Kadomaha stopped the magic van No. S1J551 and checked it. Five hundred grams of ganja was found in a red bag carried by Bishal Khapangi of Koltewas Toll, Udaipur Valayodada-7.

The police have taken control of Khapangi with marijuana.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० २१:३३
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