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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Amid controversy, Itahari sub-metropolitan brought a budget of 3.57 billion


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Itahari sub-metropolitan city has brought the budget for the financial year 2081/82 amid controversy. At 10 o'clock on Monday night, Ward President of Itahari Sub-Metropolitan City-6, Divas Pokharel, presented a budget of Rs. 3.57 billion, 8.45 million rupees amid controversy.

Amid controversy, Itahari sub-metropolitan brought a budget of 3.57 billion

After the members, including the deputy chief and ward president elected from UML, boycotted the council meeting, the meeting became controversial. Only elected representatives from the Congress were present in the assembly meeting. Out of the 109 members of the Municipal Assembly, 20 people were present in the meeting, but the Deputy Mayor insists that the minutes have the presence and signature of the majority of the members.

In the budget submitted by Ward President Pokharel, the current budget is Rs 1 billion 41 crore 34 lakh 37 thousand, and the capital budget is Rs 2 billion 150 million. Itahari sub-metropolitan city has managed the budget towards financial arrangement of 9 million for the interest of the loan taken. In the budget submitted by Pokhrel, Rs 380 million has been included in the ward ceiling for capital expenditure and Rs 450 million in the city level plan.

In the resource arrangement of the presented budget, federal equalization grant is Rs. 29 crore 56 lakh, federal conditional grant is Rs. 49 crore 43 lakh 15 thousand towards current expenditure, federal conditional grant is Rs. 81 crore 93 lakh 11 thousand towards capital expenditure. The federal supplementary grant is Rs 4 crore, the federal special grant is Rs 5 crore, the state equalization grant is Rs 1 crore 94 lakh 45 thousand and the state conditional grant is Rs 32 lakh 38 thousand towards current expenses.

Provincial conditional grant Rs 24.44 million for capital expenditure, Provincial supplementary grant Rs 177.7 million, Federal revenue sharing Rs 191.11 million, Provincial revenue sharing (vehicle tax) Rs 233 million 41. Thousand and state revenue sharing (shipment registration) is estimated at Rs 56 crore. Itahari sub-metropolitan aims to raise Rs 96 crore from internal sources in the coming year.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ २२:१२
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