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Demonstration of power for construction of Kevalkar in Pathibhara

आनन्द गौतम

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Shaniwar Shakti has been demonstrated in Pathibhara creating pressure for the construction of only cars. On behalf of the civil society, power has been demonstrated by forming a 501-member pressure group.

Demonstration of power for construction of Kevalkar in Pathibhara

Pathibhara is a hub of Limwus, and when obstacles are being created saying that it should not be built, Kevalkar Construction Support Committee has been formed with Padam Chenji Mao Limwu coordinator and Prakash Maden Limwu co-coordinator .

On Saturday, the town was circumambulated presenting Chabrung, Limwu Bijuwa's cymbals, Naumati, which are played in Limwu community. The rally was attended by representatives of the people, such as Amir Maden, Deputy Chief of Fungling Municipality, Bhimadevi Ojha. Addressing the rally, member of the Constituent Assembly and UML District Committee President Bhupendra Theve said that such obstacles should not be created when the age of technology is developing and the society is moving towards modernity and understanding should be maintained.

Amir Maden, head of Fungling municipality, emphasized that the construction should not be obstructed and the state should create an environment for the construction because it will be easy for the people of Wudhapaka, Walwalika and the demand of the common citizens.

As long as the construction is allowed, no one will protest. Now, after spending crores on studies, it is not appropriate to protest. Maden claimed that Pathibhara is not a religious place of the Kiryats, but it is not.

'Mahaguru Falgunanda was a non-violent activist, he is an activist who campaigned for non-violence, the state has also declared him a national hero,' Maden added, 'Pathibhara has been a goddess who enjoys pleasure since its origin, now Kirant Dharmavalmi says it is our world, How can the given place belong to Kirant religious?'

Maden asked not to create obstacles in the development of modern times. His argument is that the footpath should be made well for walking and the opportunity should also be given to go by car.

Madden has objected to the fact that the Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to keep the armed police base camp at the construction site. 'The Cabinet has given the land for the construction site, the company has returned the land to the government,' Maden said, 'It gives permission and does not give security, how can entrepreneurs invest.' Padam Limwu of the Construction Support Committee said. When one or two people oppose, the government will retreat He warned that they will go ahead and help in the construction.

Industry and Commerce Association, Construction Business Association, Hotel Business Association have already requested the government through a statement to create an environment for construction.

By stopping the construction of Kevalkar, which has been in discussion since 2074, two or four people spreading confusion in the square and obstructing the construction work is not justified. "They first demanded to keep Mukkumalung along with Pathibhara, the company kept the name, they didn't block it again," argues the claim.

Earlier, a team of armed police was sent to Kaflepati to establish a base camp. Kevalkar Sanghar Samiti, The police team has returned to the headquarter, Fungling, due to the obstacles including Mukkumlung Sangharsh Samiti.

government by deciding Locals also complained that they could not send a police team and could not provide security. The Sangharsh Samiti is still protesting every day at the headquarters, Phungling and Kevalkar construction site.

The government has given permission for the construction of Kevalkar from Kaflepati to Pathibhara temple. To reach the temple at a height of 3,794 meters, the pedestrian has to walk 10 kilometers on the way back.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २४, २०८० १७:१६
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