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Congress of the United Socialists from Sunday, attempt to elect leadership by consensus

If there is no agreement, there is a possibility of competition between the current President Nepal and General Secretary Bhusal
गंगा बीसी

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The Congress of United Socialists is starting from Sunday in Kathmandu. On Saturday, the top leaders mentioned that they will try to choose the leadership through the convention and if that is not possible, they said that they will proceed through the democratic method.

Congress of the United Socialists from Sunday, attempt to elect leadership by consensus

The current president Madhav Kumar Nepal, respected leader Jhalnath Khanal and general secretary Ghanshyam Bhusal are seen aspiring for the presidency in the convention to be held two years and 10 months after the split from UML. In August 2078, the Nepal Party split from the UML and formed the Unified Socialist Party. Under the leadership of Nepal, the party brought poor results in the local, state and union elections, the youth leader emphasized on the transfer of leadership.

The three leaders told a press conference on Saturday that the leadership selection will be done by consensus as much as possible. But Nepal and Bhusal have prepared to compete. Khanal has indicated his support for Bhusal. If there is no agreement, there will be competition between Nepal and Bhusal for the chairmanship. Since the document presented by President Nepal in the convention was agreed upon, the representatives claimed that they wanted the leadership to be finalized by agreement.

'We are hearing that the leadership should be decided by consensus,' he said, 'There have been major upheavals in the Nepali society. We have played an important role in the upheaval. We have not only participated, but also led. We have faced every challenge with success.

Leader Khanal mentioned that he will continue to try to reach an agreement until the end of the leadership selection and said that if things cannot be agreed, the method of competition will be taken. Mentioning that the leadership has agreed on the future direction of socialism, he opined that it is natural to have an ideological debate between the leaders.

'We have passed the document with consent. Let's build the leadership in a unanimous way. It will advance the entire communist movement," he said, "There is no big problem between us leaders. Debate between the Communist Party is not a big deal. It is desired that there should be a unanimous leadership of all the representatives.

General Secretary Bhusal mentioned that the handover of leadership can only be accepted if there is agreement, and said that this is the right opportunity for President Nepal to take a break from leadership. He commented that the transfer of leadership will facilitate the reorganization and transformation of the communist movement and instill hope in the society.

In the name of unanimity, will the status quo be suffocated or will we believe that the overall system of the party will also gain momentum? Will you be satisfied with what is today or what happened in history? Are we going to end or are we going to try to move towards the future?'' He said, 'Comrade Madhav is probably the most active person in the communist movement of Nepal. Now, in terms of age, in terms of contribution, it is time for Madhav Comrade to take a break from that kind of activism.

He said that giving leadership to the second generation is important for history and the future as well. If the future is to win, we must come. It is a claim that I should come to the leadership. Let us run the party also means the balance of history and future.'

Khanal and Bhusal accused Nepal of failing to advance the leftist movement and commented that being close to the Congress is ideologically egregious. Nepal, on the other hand, is trying to regain the leadership by accusing Khanal and Bhusal of taking over the party and trying to merge it with UML unconditionally. Even though UML and Unified Socialists are in the same power equation, relations between UML President KP Sharma Oli and Nepal have not improved. Even though it failed to form a unified socialist national party in the last general election, Nepal is still in the stage of struggle with Oli.

1 thousand 847 delegates will participate in the tenth national convention. Those representatives will elect 299 central members and 21 officials. By amending the constitution, the position of respected leader and senior leader of the party has been created. At present the respected leader is Jhalnath Khanal. Leaders who have completed one term in the Central Committee will be eligible to compete for office. But in order to compete for the post of chairman, there must be a person who has qualified to be a member of the party's standing committee. Similarly, in order to become vice-president, deputy-secretary-general, and secretary, there must be a person who has qualified to become a member of the Politburo," said the statement issued by President Nepal.

Similarly, in order to become a member of the Central Committee, Central Discipline Committee, Central Audit Committee and Central Election Committee, one should have worked as a member of the Central Committee or Central Bodies. A person who has worked as an organized party member for at least 10 years or who has worked for one term as a member of the provincial committee or two terms as a member of the district committee will be eligible to be a central member.

Party Central Committee has been arranged to have at least 33 percent inclusive representation of women, Madhesi, tribal-tribes, Dalits, Muslims, Tharu and other castes, languages ​​and cultures. The convention will pass the political report of President Nepal, the organizational report of General Secretary Bhusal. United Samajwadi has elected 1,800 convention representatives from 146,000 organized members of the party.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ २२:१४
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