कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The amount given to the farmers was used by interest groups in salaries and allowances: Minister Shah


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Agriculture and Livestock Development Minister Jwalakumari Sah has objected to the fact that interest groups have decided to spend the 300 million loan given to milk producers on salaries and allowances by the government.

The amount given to the farmers was used by interest groups in salaries and allowances: Minister Shah

In the Nepal Livestock Sector Innovation Project 'Closing and Result Dissemination Ceremony', Minister Sah instructed the farmers not to do anything that would make them uncomfortable. She said that Dairy Development Institute should learn from this.

Minister Sah said that as per the policy of prioritizing agriculture, the government has announced the investment decade, so the private sector will participate in it. She promised to take the initiative to provide concessional loans to farmers engaged in production. Secretary of the Ministry, Rajendra Prasad Mishra, promised to work so that the achievements in the field of animal development through the project would not go to zero.

He said that efforts will be made to institutionalize the achievements of the project after discussing with all the provinces. Secretary Mishra said that the project has helped them to become self-sufficient in milk and beef production.

'Since the completion of the project is also a new beginning, it is necessary to increase the internal consumption of milk', he said. Secretary Mishra said that the ministry has also given priority to the program of declaring animal disease-free zones.

Project Director Vaikuntha Adhikari informed that the program, which started in 2018, will end on Sunday this year.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ २०:३३
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