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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Successful use of a new method of heart valve replacement

Changing the 'mitral valve' by making a hole under the armpit or other heart surgery is not new to the world, but Manmohan had not been successfully operated by this method before.

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At the Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center at Trivi Teaching Hospital, Maharajganj, the 'mitral valve' of the heart has been replaced by making a small hole under the armpit. Head of the Center's Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery (CTVS) Department Dr. The team led by Anil Bhattarai changed the heart valve of a 53-year-old woman on Tuesday.

Successful use of a new method of heart valve replacement

Dr. According to Bhattarai, although the 'aortic valve' has been replaced by 'minimally invasive cardiac surgery' (heart surgery performed by making a small hole in the armpit) method for a few years, the 'right axillary minithoractomy' method has been used for the first time to replace the 'mitral valve' at the center. According to him, Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) was started about a decade ago in Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center in Nepal.

According to him, if heart valve replacement as well as various other problems need to be solved surgically, the method of 'open heart surgery' is very old. In addition to this, changing the valve by making a hole under the armpit or doing other heart surgery is not new to the world, but in Manmohan, the surgery done by this method was not successful before.

"We managed to replace a woman's mitral valve by doing 'right axillary minithoractomy'," he said, "due to heart disease, she had a problem with her mitral valve . Due to this, the oxygenated blood coming from the lungs to the left artery of the heart was having a problem to go to the left ventricle . From the left ventricle through the aortic valve, oxygenated blood from the aorta spreads throughout the body . That's why we have changed the mitral valve.'

According to him, it took two and a half hours for the operation to change the heart valve from under the armpit. Dr. According to Bhattarai, it is more difficult to perform surgery by making a small hole than by opening the chest completely. However, if the chest is completely opened, the front wound will be bigger and it will take time to heal completely . "There is a big wound on the chest in the front". "Recovery is also slow," he said, "However, recovery is quick when doing MICS and the surgery is also small."

According to him, currently the head of the center Due to the support of Ratnamani Gajurel as well as all colleagues and nursing staff, such complex surgeries have become possible in the government hospital . It is difficult to do heart surgery by opening the chest itself. By making a small hole in the armpit, not everything is easy,'' he said. This surgery is definitely a milestone in making the treatment timely.'

Open heart surgery was performed for the first time in Nepal on February 9, 2053 at the University Teaching Hospital. Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center was established in Baisakh 2066 for the study, teaching and treatment of heart disease within the teaching hospital. Dr. According to Bhattarai, at present, about 600 people are undergoing various types of heart surgery in the center annually. Dr. According to Bhattarai, more than 200 MICS surgeries have been done in Manmohan.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १२:३२
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