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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

RSVP asked General Minister Dhakal for an explanation


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The party has asked for an explanation regarding the public statement made by Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASWPA) General Minister Mukul Dhakal. 
The party's disciplinary commission sent a letter to Dhakal on Friday asking for an explanation.

RSVP asked General Minister Dhakal for an explanation

Chief Minister Dhakal said that the letter has arrived in his secretariat . 'I have received the letter . But I didn't open it and see who sent it. Not even read . Apart from the chairman, I cannot ask for an explanation . You said that you did not ask for an explanation when you spoke to the chairman a moment ago,' said General Minister Dhakal to Ikantipur, 'but the letter has already arrived in my secretariat.'

General Minister Dhakal has released a 32-page report prepared after visiting 38 districts, and there has been chaos within the RSVP.

The Disciplinary Commission asked Dhakal for an explanation saying that General Minister Dhakal had made the important points in the report public. Dhakal claimed that he could not be asked for an explanation except for the Chairman Ravi Lamichhane.

General Minister Dhakal submitted his report to Chairman Lamichhane. But the report has not been published yet. It is alleged that Chief Minister Dhakal made public about the content included in the report.

In that report, Chief Minister Dhakal had mentioned that he should stand in favor of abolishing the provincial structure without any conditions. "But/provided that the party should stand in favor of abolishing the provincial structure". We wrote that we need a directly elected executive, but our leaders could not do it vocally, the party leaders should take it up,' Dhakal told Kantipur about the issues in the report, 'In the current situation, instead of Oli and Prachanda, it is most appropriate to meet with Balen and Gopi Hamal and other independent people .'

Dhakal also wrote in the report that the current situation of the party is disappointing and that drastic decisions should be taken to turn it into hope.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १९:२७
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