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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Corporation's widebody aircraft gets C-check


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All widebody aircraft of Nepal Airlines Corporation have received C-Check. After the initiative of Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Hit Bahadur Tamang, the corporation's widebody aircraft got C-Check.

Corporation's widebody aircraft gets C-check

The call sign nine NNY aircraft got C-check after the Minister of Tourism Tamang discussed with the Director General of Nepal Civil Aviation Authority (CAN) and the executive chairman of the corporation in a step by step manner. CAN did not give C-check permission because it took the ship to Italy without permission. After Minister Tamang discussed with CAN's leadership, CAN gave the permission to the corporation today.

Minister Tamang called CAN and the representatives of the corporation to the ministry at Singha Durbar and instructed them to quickly complete the C-check after getting information about the latest status of aircraft maintenance.

Premnath Thakur, Deputy Director General of CAN's Directorate of Air Services, informed that CAN had given permission to the corporation for the C-check. On June 22, the airline sent one of its widebody aircraft to Italy for maintenance via Dubai. It is said that the aircraft will be repaired within 30 days. The Italian company Atitec SpA has been given the responsibility of maintenance.

Corporation spokesperson Ramesh Paudel informed that the corporation has received the letter of permission from CAN for the C-check of the widebody ship. Out of the two widebody aircraft, the call sign nine NNY aircraft was not able to fly since June 25 as it was not C-checked. After the repair of this aircraft is completed, the corporation is preparing to send its other A330 aircraft, Nine N-ALZ, to the same repair company in the last week of July 2024 for repairs.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १९:४६
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