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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Chure area in Madhesh province should be declared a protected area: MP Jha


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Rashtriya Swatantra Party MP Manish Jha has demanded to declare Chure area in Madhes province as a protected area. Speaking during a special session of the House of Representatives on Friday, MP Jha demanded that the Chure area in Madhesh province be declared a protected area.

Chure area in Madhesh province should be declared a protected area: MP Jha

He said that even though there are 20 protected areas in Nepal, there is not a single protected area in Madhes province. He mentioned that out of 1 thousand 918 animals found in Nepal, 1 thousand 308 species are found in Terai region.

Similarly, out of 493 endangered species found in Nepal, 319 species are found in this area, so it is necessary to declare Chure as a protected area. He said that due to the exploitation of Chure, the water level is also going down and emphasized that the Chure area should be protected as it serves as an underground reservoir.

This is MP Jha's address

'Now there are 20 protected areas in Nepal, of which 7 are directly related to Chure . Of the 1,918 animals found in Nepal, 1,308 species are found in the Chure and Terai regions. Out of 493 endangered species found in Nepal, 319 are found in this area. Chure area was declared an environmental protection zone by the government of Nepal on 2nd June 2071. But that was not enough. I would like to draw the attention of all partners that at least Chure area in Madhesh province should be declared a protected area. Because out of the 20 protected areas in Nepal, all the other provinces belong to it, but Madhes does not have one completely. So we need . The Chure area has worked as an underground reservoir for the Terai.'

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १४:३६
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