कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

11 Nepali hostages in the forest of Serbia!

45-year-old Amashu Rajvanshi and 25-year-old Pashupati Rajvanshi of Jhapa Virtamod-2 have said that they threatened to kill the family members on Friday if they did not give them money.

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Two people from Jhapa have sent a message to their families asking them to take action to release 11 Nepalis including themselves as hostages by an armed group in the Southeast European country of Serbia. 45-year-old Amashu Rajvanshi and 25-year-old Pashupati Rajvanshi of Jhapa Virtamod-2, who were going to Egypt through Serbia after falling into the clutches of human traffickers, reached Serbia. It is not revealed who other than Rajvanshidwaya.

11 Nepali hostages in the forest of Serbia!

Two months ago, they reached Serbia after spending 6.5 million. They now Sharmila Rajwanshi, a relative of the victim, said that she had been threatened with death by taking hostages.

Friday morning a call came from a foreign number . He requested to send 3 lakhs to his relatives over the phone . Rajwanshi said, 'They have been threatening to kill me if I don't pay them.'

Rajvanshi said that there was news that 11 people were held hostage in the forest of Serbia. An account number has also been sent to send the amount . Rajwanshi said that she informed the local police office, Birtamod, district administration office Jhapa and the Sami project about the relative problem.

'Send money as it is, otherwise they will kill us', narrating the story of a 25-year-old relative, Pashupati Rajvanshi, she said, 'After this news, we are worried .'

When the Rajvanshi family tried to send money, the account number did not match . DSP Prakash Chand of the area police office Virtamod said that the news about the Nepalese hostages came through the family and if there were hostages, coordination with the related agencies for rescue was done.

Rajvanshiduya came in contact with Vigyan Kharel of Kathmandu through Sapna Rajvanshi of Mechinagar last Baisakh and it was Kharel who sent them abroad according to family sources. "They are calling crying, they are saying that they will kill us if we don't rescue them soon, please rescue our people anyway," the victim's family urged.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १९:२८
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