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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Leadership should be selected based on ideological direction: Khanal


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Jhalnath Khanal, the respected leader of the United Socialist Party, has said that the party's leadership should be selected based on ideological and political direction in the upcoming congress of the party.

Leadership should be selected based on ideological direction: Khanal

At the release ceremony of Mahila Sankalp-2, the ideological mouthpiece of All Nepal Women's Association (Samajwadi) on Monday, leader Khanal mentioned that the party is formed through ideological unity.

He was of the opinion that the leadership should be selected by consensus from the upcoming convention of the party, and only on a certain basis, the leadership can be selected by consensus. But what is consent? Consent is based on what? Do we do this by joining our heads? Let's do it, comrades, shall we? What unites us? Why are we all gathered here? He said, 'Party is like that. It is based on certain ideals, principles and policies. In the same way, leadership formation is also done on the right ideological, political basis.'

Leader Khanal said that currently there are only 8 percent women members in the party and there is a need to organize more and more women and working women in the party.

प्रकाशित : असार ३, २०८१ १४:१०
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