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२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Arrangements will be made for early payment to milk producing farmers: Minister Shah


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Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives Minister Jwalakumari Sah has said that payment arrangements will be made to dairy farmers soon. On the occasion of World Milk Day, in a program organized by the National Dairy Development Board in Mechinagar on Saturday, she said that since the government-owned Dairy Development Institute and private dairies have not been paying for the milk purchased from the farmers for months, they will help to solve it as soon as possible.

Arrangements will be made for early payment to milk producing farmers: Minister Shah

"We are clear that the dairy farmers should get paid as soon as possible," he said, "I have observed many commercial farmers' herds and dairy industries." Farmers have complained that they have not received payment for milk. We believe that payment should be made anyway.'

Saying that milk production has increased in the country, she said that necessary initiatives to export it are continuing. She said that more than one billion 25 million worth of dairy products are not being sold in the stock of Dairy Development Institute.

In order to fulfill the national aspiration of making the country prosperous and the people happy, she pointed out that it is not enough to be self-sufficient in milk and export it abroad has become inevitable. She said that there would be no problem in paying for the milk sold by the farmers if there is an easy export arrangement for the products made from milk.

State Minister of Koshi State Government Srijan Rai said that dairy based industry operation and She said that the provincial government has been giving significant subsidies for commodity promotion. Farmers are given subsidies on the basis of milk production and commercial farmers are given subsidies for building sheds and food production. She said.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १९, २०८१ १७:२१
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