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After the warrant was issued by the court, I gave consent to the arrest: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that he has also given permission to arrest Kailash Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group. After understanding the joint letter of 31 editors of mainstream media, Prime Minister Dahal informed that he had given permission after the arrest warrant was issued by the court.

After the warrant was issued by the court, I gave consent to the arrest: Prime Minister

Prateik Pradhan, Amit Dhakal, Madan Lamsal and Pushpa Dulal went to Baluwatar to meet the Prime Minister as representatives on behalf of the editors. According to Pradhan, Prime Minister Dahal received the attention letter from the editors and said, "I am sensitive to your demands". After the arrest warrant came from the court, I approved it.'

The editors submitted a five-point letter to the Prime Minister on Wednesday regarding the arrest of Kailash Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group, by abusing power.

is like this Letter to the Prime Minister

Joint letter of the editors to the Prime Minister

Honorable Prime Minister, we editors working in the major media of

Nepal would like to draw your attention to the following issues regarding the recent arrest in the media house:

1. The president of Kantipur Media Group, Kailash Sirohia, was arrested by the police from his office on Tuesday. All the citizens of Nepal should follow the law equally and Sirohia should be punished according to the law if he does anything against the law. Sirohia himself has publicly stated that he is ready for this.

2. The circumstances under which Kailash Sirohia was arrested, with such allegations, has raised serious questions. We have taken the incident of the police entering and arresting any media house as the purpose of creating pressure and panic on the press. He has never been questioned by government agencies about the allegations against him. Yesterday he was suddenly arrested for some technical issues related to citizenship. This matter will now be determined by the court itself.

3. Prime Minister, we would like to remind you — for the first time in your government, Home Minister Banda Ravi Lamichhane was not a citizen of Nepal. Although he regained Nepalese citizenship after the court's decision, he was and still is a partner in the punishment for the serious crime of carrying passports of two countries at the same time.

4. We also want to clarify why Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane is now hostile towards the media. The problem of co-operative fraud has become acute. Now billions of rupees saved by millions of Nepalis in cooperatives have been misappropriated and they have not got their own money back. Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane himself and the Gorkha Media Network of which he was formerly a partner have embezzled about one billion rupees kept by the common people in various cooperatives, the media is constantly writing news. He said that this news written by the media was a 'media trial' on him while standing in the dignified Parliament. While the investigations conducted at the municipal level and the investigation conducted by the CIB of the Nepal Police itself have established that he and the media company he is managing have embezzled the funds of the cooperative. The Minister of Home Affairs has stopped the prosecution and trial against him by misusing his power. We would also like to draw the attention of the Prime Minister and remind him that it is your responsibility to conduct the investigation conducted by the police on him fairly and to create an environment where the case can be prosecuted fairly.

5. Working in the Nepali media world for a long time, we editors are aware of press freedom, rule of law and our responsibilities. And we also want to make it clear that we will not make any compromises to protect it and fulfill our responsibility.

icon prime - Barakhari

Shiv Village - Online news

Amit Dhakal - Setopati

Kiran Nepal - Investigative Journalism Center

Yuvraj Ghimire - Desh Sanchar

Sudhir Sharma

Madan Lamsal - Economic Campaign

Bimal Gautam - Lokantar

Sagar Pandit - Nepal newspaper

Rajaram Gautam -

Sujit Mahat - Ukalo

Purna Basnet - Nepal Khabar

Basant Basnet – Online Khabar

Hari Bahadur Thapa - Bahrakhari

Umesh Chauhan- Kantipur

Rameshwar Bohra - Ukalo

Koshraj Koirala - Republic Daily

Gunraj Luintel - Citizen Daily

Rupesh Shrestha - Kantipur TV

Akhand Bhandari - Annapurna Post

Vishwas Baral - The Kathmandu Post

Saroj Mishra - Rajdhani Daily

Arun Baral - Khabarhub

Kamaldev Bhattarai - Annapurna Express

Prakash Rimal

Cosmos Vishwakarma

Sanjeev Satgaiyan

Vijay Paudel - Kantipur TV

Ramprasad Dahal - Ratopati

Durga Khanal - Ikantipur

Pushpa Dulal - Clickmandu

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १८:१३
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