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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४३

Yet another corruption case was filed against Paudel, the then Managing Director of Telecom

Accused of abusing public office and acquiring property worth Rs. 2375 million 46 thousand 324
मातृका दाहाल

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The Authority has again filed another corruption case against the then Managing Director of Nepal Telecom, Sunil Paudel, on charges of illegal wealth acquisition. The authority has accused Poudel of abusing his public position and amassing assets worth 23,750,46,324 rupees without disclosing the source, while maintaining the same amount and submitting a demand claim to recover the fine as per the law.

Yet another corruption case was filed against Paudel, the then Managing Director of Telecom

According to the information officer of the special court, Yagya Raj Regmi, the authority has mentioned that the property investigation was conducted against Paudel from May 20, 2061 to February 30, 2079. Among them, he was not in public office during the period from 2062 to 065. During the remaining period, he held public office on various dates.

It is the charge of the authority that he has acquired illegal wealth by irregularity in the purchase of telecommunication and technological equipment and related financial transactions.

On Sunday, the authority filed another case against Paudel, who was found guilty in a corruption case by a special court only on Friday in the payment gateway-related equipment purchase case.

Payment Gateway against Paudel on 15 October 2080 A special court found him guilty by setting aside the corruption case filed in the case . Last time on 10th January 2080, Sunil Paudel and another corruption accused Vikal Paudel were arrested by the authority on charges of acquiring illegal wealth. Three months after the arrest, the authority took a special case.

The investigation is ongoing regarding Vikal, who was arrested along with Sunil. During the investigation, the authority filed another case against Wikal in the special court on Sunday after it was revealed that Wikal had obtained an American permanent residence permit.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ९, २०८१ १५:५०
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