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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

We will sustain the current alliance: President Oli

भवानी भट्ट

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CPN-UML President KP Sharma Oli has said that the current alliance will be sustained. "I believe that this comparison will not be too crude," President Oli said while speaking at the opening ceremony of the ninth district convention of UML Kanchanpur in Mahendranagar on Thursday, "It will be sustained."

We will sustain the current alliance: President Oli

He claimed that the current alliance was formed after a lot of calculation and discussion, not in the future.

President Oli said that the current alliance was not made by anyone's wishes, aspirations and desires, but by the people of Nepal. "This coalition was not made by anyone, we made it. Don't insult us by saying that China came to China," he said.

He said that Congress suffered a lot when the old alliance collapsed. He said that this is the reason why the Congress is struggling. He said that the old alliance was broken because it was like a lump of ashes. He said that the government has started good works with the creation of

. He said that the government has started working in a positive and result-oriented manner because of the agreement with the meter-byage victims and Aarti Shah.

President Oli suggested to select the leadership in a unanimous manner and if that is not possible, he instructed to select the leadership through a healthy competition.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० १७:४६
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