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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

Pradeep Poudel's 28 point additional resolution proposal in the General Committee meeting


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Central member of Nepali Congress Pradeep Paudel has proposed that the general committee meeting should specify to make the party a completely 'mass based' digital party. He proposed that a direct election system should be adopted within the party and that the active members should elect the leadership by voting.

Pradeep Poudel's 28 point additional resolution proposal in the General Committee meeting

Leader Paudel has presented a 28-point resolution proposal in the General Committee meeting in Lalitpur's Godavari from Monday. He has distributed the 8-page resolution among all the members in the General Assembly Hall. Paudel's proposal is that all procedures and details from party membership should be done online and made transparent.

Similarly, it has been proposed that a direct election system should be implemented in the selection of leadership at all levels within the party, nominations should not be allowed in fraternal organizations, and the party itself should be resolved to conduct pressure-free investigations by involving impartial people in cases of public accusations of corruption.

Similarly, all central members of the party must self-declare their assets and their sources within one month, must prepare a five-, ten- and fifteen-year vision paper for the country's development within six months, members accused or under investigation in criminal cases such as corruption, sexual violence, social discrimination, etc. are automatically expelled from the party. It has been proposed to make arrangements for suspension, to oblige the public audit of the members who are from the ward president to the prime minister or who are in any position of benefit, to hold a convention on time, to resolve not to make alliances or coordination with any other party in any election in which the people will vote.

He has proposed to change the constitution so that the main positions of the party are elected from the members and to develop the party as a mass-based party based entirely on the people.

In the meeting, the documents submitted as proposals by Party Vice Chairman Poonar Bahadur Khadka, General Minister Gagan Thapa and Bishwa Prakash Sharma are being discussed from today. Discussions have been organized by dividing groups into four halls.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० १०:०८
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