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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

How did Suman Thapa become Swapn Suman?

One day while studying Sanskrit subject in school, a word came out, 'Dream'. Spicy and sweet. Listening and speaking are equally easy. He added this word to his name. And became, Swapna Suman. After putting the name, I was shocked and thought to myself, now I will be known by this name on the stage.
प्रकृति दाहाल

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How did Suman Thapa become Swapn Suman? How did you come to the dream world of music? How did the youth become the heart of the soul while singing hymns? The list is not only long but also deadly.

How did Suman Thapa become Swapn Suman?

Swapna Suman, the name is enough now. No other adjectives need to be added to identify this popular singer of the young generation. Dozens of songs such as 'Kasiri Bhan Kaun Tuke', 'Timro Aayon', 'Ma Tuni', 'Kunai Din', 'Kurer Baschhu' are all known to him. His songs are especially popular among the young generation.

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos.

In 2012, Suman recorded a song, 'Ke Saro Ramri Vako. This song was loved everywhere. Then he suddenly came into limelight. As a result, platforms from home to abroad started inviting him. Fit body, long hair, guitar in hand. As soon as he made his debut on the stage, the hooting of the younger generation started coming. Five years after that, he released the song 'Kasari Bhanoon Tehe', which became the most popular. Thus he became famous in the music world. And, until today, they are constantly shadowing.

kept stumbling, he kept walking. At the beginning of his career, he had made a vow, 'Until I reach my goal, I will not cut this hair.' After all, he became known in the music industry. Got the name. However, he did not cut his hair. Because by now her long hair had created a distinct identity. Getting to this point was not easy. In the early days he used to write songs, run a recording studio. However, it was rejected. He was discouraged by saying, 'This is also a song.' He had a dream of making a career in music, but he stumbled many times on this journey. However, he did not lose his way, did not stop walking, did not change his destination. That determination and persistence has made him stand in the category of 'popular singer'.

The first audience Mrs.

Music is no longer just his passion, it has become the melody of life. He can neither enjoy nor live without music. He is always in the serofero of song-music. Walking down the street, flirting with someone, or showering in the bathroom, a line can pop up at any time, to which he is eager to fill in the tune. Finally it becomes a melody song.

After the song is thus composed, he recites it to his wife Jyotsana Yogi for the first time. Jyotsana is also an actress. He is not only the first listener of Suman's songs, but also the critic. She used to give feedback that this song is good-bad, this tune is sweet-unsweet. In this way, the activity of preparing and listening to songs continues. In such a situation, many songs go to waste. There are no records. Unless his own song touches the heart, he won't start recording. "I'm looking for something new in every song, I'm looking for my own," says Swapn, "so it takes time to understand myself."

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It was a dream since childhood, 'to earn some name.' His real name was Suman Thapa. "I was looking for novelty in this name," he says, "because my name was not unique, there are many other people with such a name." At that time, he was studying at a military residential school in Dharan. One day while reading a Sanskrit subject, a word came out, 'Swapna.' Sweet and sweet. Ease of listening and speaking. He added this word to his name. And became, Swapna Suman. "When I named this name, I was mad myself," recalls Swapn, "I thought to myself that now I will be known by this name on the stage."

Swapna was born and raised in Kathmandu. He studied this till class 4. At that time Sai Baba's bhajans had to be sung in schools. He used to lead for singing. He used to sing hymns. Classmates used to tease a lot. Teachers also encouraged. He was happy to be praised by everyone. He used to try to sing with tune and rhythm. After starting to sing hymns like this, the teachers used to make him sing in school programs. Some teachers used to invite him to their homes to sing hymns. In this way, he gradually became fascinated with music.

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 0

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 1

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 2

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 3

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 4It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 5

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 6

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 7

It has Swapn's confession, 'Maybe they got their feelings in my song. Because no matter how many songs I make, my feelings are expressed there. He not only puts melodious words in the song, he also writes and fills the melody himself. Makes videos. 8

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ७, २०८० ०७:३३
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