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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५५

Two Nepali surgeons awarded in Scotland


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Two Nepalese surgeons have received awards from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, the world's oldest surgical institute.

Two Nepali surgeons awarded in Scotland

Dr. Kamal Aryal received the Fellow of Faculty of Surgical Trainers (FFSTED) award and Dr. Bhagwan Koirala has received the Fellow Award of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCSED).

They were awarded during a ceremony held at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh on June 28. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is the oldest surgeon training institute in the world, founded in 1505. Dr. Koirala said that this is a big step towards revitalizing British surgical activities in Nepal.

He received FRCS Prof. Anjani Sharma and Prof. He also said that he felt very proud to be under Mahesh Khakurel's standards. Dr. Aryal recalled that when the FRCS exam was held in Nepal, the level of surgical training in Nepal was good and all the examinees from South Asia came to Nepal to take the exam.

Aryal believes that more education and training under the leadership of the oldest surgical institute will help increase training and patient care standards in Nepal. Dr. Koirala is the current president of Kathmandu Children's Health Academy and a renowned cardiac surgeon who started open heart surgery in Nepal.

dr. Aryal is the former president of the Nepali Medical Association (NDA) UK and a consultant surgeon at James Paget Hospital in Great Yarmouth, UK. Until 2002, the FRCS examination was conducted in Nepal. Dr. Aryal passed these exams in 1999 while undergoing surgical training in Nepal. He then came to UK and after further training has been working as a consultant since 2011.

Every year he goes to Nepal and organizes abdominal surgery (key hole surgery) and training in safe surgery.

Both surgeons have said that they will continue to work in collaboration with Nepal and UK institutions, charities and stakeholders in the field of surgical training and safe patient care.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १५:१५
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