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Finance Minister's discussion with international development partners about the budget


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Finance Minister Varshman Pun has discussed with the heads and representatives of international development partner organizations regarding the preparation of the budget for the next financial year 2081/082.

Finance Minister's discussion with international development partners about the budget

Minister Pun discussed the budget issues with the development partners at the Ministry of Finance in Singha Darbar on Monday.

Multilateral development partners such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and International Finance Corporation and international development missions Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, South Korea, Japan, UK, and resident ambassadors of the European Union and those countries to discuss budget issues with the finance minister. Heads and representatives of related bilateral development partner organizations were present. During the

discussion, Finance Minister Pun expressed his views on the government's priorities and principles in the upcoming budget, according to his secretariat. He said that the government is committed to bringing in foreign direct investment (FDI) for the development of Nepal and creating a favorable investment environment for the private sector.

To achieve the development goals set by the government, Pun said that they are in a position to focus on foreign investment or aid as internal resource mobilization is not enough.

Pun said that the government is in favor of inclusive, equitable and sustainable development so that the benefits of development reach all the people. "The government is focused on inclusive, equitable and sustainable economic development," he said.

While thanking the development partners for the continuous support in Nepal's development efforts, Minister Pun expressed his belief that the cooperation will achieve more heights in the future.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३१, २०८१ १७:४८
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