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The way to a strong opposition

नैनसिंह महर

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Since politics is the basic policy of all policies, every party should have a clear vision and plan on every issue. Standing on the foundation of that point of view, we should go to the elections and decide the journey of development-prosperity from the government. However, in recent times, Nepal's major political parties have been losing faith in their own vision, strength and capabilities.

The way to a strong opposition

In particular, the electoral alliance of UML and Maoist in 2074 and the alliance of Congress-Maoist and other parties in 2079 are the product of self-confidence of the parties.

Now the major political forces of Nepal, Congress and UML, have been affected by coalition politics. It is ironic that two major parties have reached a situation where they have to resort to someone else to stand against each other. This is causing political instability in the country. Small-scale political power is fishing in these murky waters. And, he has succeeded in placing himself in the center of power. The consequences of which the country and the people are forced to suffer. Therefore, in order to end the interdependence from elections to power politics, Congress and UML should go back to the old rhythm for organizational strengthening and instilling confidence within the party.

'Strong Congress, prosperous country' is the wish of the people. Even though we understand this, we are forced to join necks with various elements from time to time for the sake of peace, freedom and prosperity of the country. The Congress wanted the country not to suffer even if the party decayed. Accordingly, under the leadership of Girija Prasad Koirala, a 12-point agreement was reached on November 7, 2062, bringing the Maoists in armed conflict to the peace process. Congress had to play a leading role in ending the Maoist violence and establishing peace after Raja took power. Even then Congress made various 'sacrifices' for political stability. However, some political parties, including the Maoists, interpreted the Congress's stubbornness as a weakness and continued to show their displeasure. Now the Congress has to overcome the political culture of alliance and stand alone on its own. If we go back to history, the wave of the coalition government is a bit long. After the results of the mid-term elections in 2051, the practice of forming a joint government was developed in Nepal.

The election of the House of Representatives was completed on October 29, 2051. UML became the largest party in that election. As a result, Manmohan Adhikari was appointed as the Prime Minister of the minority government. That's where the alliance started. Congress won majority in 2048 and 2056. However, the parliament could not last for a full term. Constituent Assembly elections 2064 were held according to the new electoral system, but no party could get a majority. From 2064 until now, the game of making and breaking the coalition government is going on between the parties. The crisis of people's distrust towards political parties is increasing. Maoists became the largest party in the 2064 Constituent Assembly elections. When no one party had a majority, the Communists took turns becoming prime ministers. However, they could not create a constitution. In the year 2072, the Congress-led government succeeded in bringing the country to a speed by creating a constitution. Due to the proportional system provided in the constitution, it is difficult for any party to get a majority. Therefore, it is also necessary to conduct a debate on reconsideration of the electoral system.

Before the 2079 elections, some powerful leaders of the Congress had started emphasizing on cooperation with the UML. Some other leaders were ready for an electoral alliance with the Maoists and other parties in the ruling coalition at that time. Some time before the election, a few of us central members kept giving the opinion inside and outside the central committee that we should not go into alliance with anyone before the election. In the central committee meeting that lasted for five days, all party officials unanimously came to the conclusion that an alliance was necessary. The proposal was unanimously passed when it was submitted for approval by one of the General Ministers. It is not difficult to guess that the 50/60 leaders who were determined to get yesterday's coalition ticket were only there to win the election. Congress could not achieve the expected results from the alliance.

On the other hand, the growing alliance culture has added to the political disenchantment of the people. Even now, where is the alliance? When talking about the Koshi government, the responsible leadership of the party is talking about the issue of government formation and constitutional amendment, and they are talking about working together with the UML. The second class leaders are putting forward the argument that the formation of the old alliance including the Maoists is appropriate. The third tier UML, Maoist and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are hoping for a better coalition government. How to make Congress a strong party that can stand on its own feet has ceased to be a topic of debate. The voice that says let's build a Congress that stands on its own feet has been softened. If the elections were to be contested by an alliance, the multi-party system and democracy would be questioned. Some leaders may win elections for a while by making alliances, but it will not last long. One should be strong in oneself to work for the country and the people. It is not good to make a coalition and install a few leaders among 10 ministers, 8 ambassadors, and 4 state ministers and hurt the sentiments of the remaining more than 800,000 leaders, workers and active members. Now for almost 3 and a half years, the Congress should sit in the opposition and be united in the issues of the people. You should stay among the people. One should develop the confidence to be able to walk without crutches.

Every political party has its own policies, principles and ideals. The parties are working on that basis. The basic tenets of the Congress are nationalism, democracy and socialism. We have been doing politics on the basis of this principle for decades. Therefore, political collaboration with a party in an odd situation is a different matter. However, developing the alliance as a ritual is against the principles of the party. If the Communists and the Congress continue to form alliances for years, there will be no meaning of different opinions. People's demands and issues are overshadowed. Self-interested politics prevails. By sticking to its principles, Congress has a proud history of overthrowing the Rana regime and overthrowing the king. The Congress, which is moving ahead with the parliamentary system as its ideal, should abandon the culture of alliance and prioritize the practice of competition and advance its activities.

Even though the Congress has been defeated in the elections for some time, we should not lose heart. However, the country should not be defeated, the people should not be defeated. Now Congress must stay among the people. People's voices should be picked up from house to house and brought to the courtyard of the state and pressure should be put on those voices for implementation. For Sudhrin, first of all, Congress should point out its weaknesses and take it to the stage of reform. Its beginning should not be power-centered, but it should be people-centered in the role of a strong opposition for about 3 years and 6 months and move forward with determination.

– Mahar is a Congress central member.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ ०७:४६
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