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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Local government in solving the meter badge problem

शान्ता मरासिनी

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It has been a practice since time immemorial to give loans to the poor/distressed by the rich, moneylenders in the society. A certain belief works in the society. There was no custom of paper tamsuk when taking a loan. Borrowers also stopped paying interest on time. The selfishness of Sahu/Mahajan was increasing.

Local government in solving the meter badge problem

In this way, even the work done with good intentions in the village turned into a usurer. Now it has taken the worst form of exploitation. The victims have to appear before the central government to get justice.

Out of about 28,000 complaints received by the investigation commission regarding unfair transactions (meterbaj) formed by the government, about 24,000 complaints are from Madhesh only. What this shows is that the most victims of usurers are in Madhesh. It has been claimed that 7.62 billion 80 million is yet to be recovered from the creditor, but a settlement of 1.73 billion has been reached between the two parties. Although the Commission did excellent work, the work could not be completed. If one more year was given, the problem would have been solved. The creditor who gave the loan to the commission also helped. After the expiry of the deadline, the commission recommended to hand over the work to the district administration. Another commission has just been formed.

Nimukhas who do not have a regular source of income and have little land, take loans from the moneylenders/mahajans around them to avoid the burden of social work. It is customary to take a loan to send for foreign employment, to pay dowry for the daughter's marriage, but the document is not confirmed. It seems that due to the immature documents that are done without the representative of the local body as a witness and due to the insecurity of not paying the loan within the specified time, the moneylenders also pass the land in their name. There are many examples of moneylenders lending 500,000, tamsuk of 500,000, and taking possession of the property after listening to the victim. Often in Madhesh, there have been no complaints of people taking interest from moneylenders/mahajans, and in some places, the meters have charged more money and seized houses. The first responsibility to address and resolve such complaints is the local government. He can identify the real perpetrator and victim. This matter crossed two levels of government and came to the federal government. Because the local government withdrew its hands. The victims repeatedly protested in Kathmandu. But the problem is you.

The task of autonomous local government is to meet the daily needs of citizens and maintain social justice. We defined federalism as a tiered government and corresponding resources and powers. The local government has the responsibility and right to identify who is the perpetrator and who is the victim of particular meter bagging. The government that gives vitality to the presence of the particular state is face to face with the citizens. A municipality of local government has information about the history of its area. How many meter baggers have become people's representatives, those citizens have won and brought them. Why did the victim go to Kathmandu without arresting the public representative in front of the victim? This serious question has been raised with the federal government.

The government has amended some Nepal Acts related to the Civil Code to criminalize acts related to unfair transactions. Explanation of unfair transaction in the revised act, imprisonment for 7 years and a fine of up to 70 thousand rupees in case of unfair transaction, if it is found that the debtor's immovable property has been transferred based on unfair transaction, the transfer of such right will be canceled, the document must be verified by the local level, and action will be taken against the offense related to money laundering. is However, the victims began to be beaten. The village was evicted. Gender violence increased. Society became more unbalanced and distorted. Now the federal government should be able to say clearly that the responsibility of this entire work is the responsibility of the local government.

The central government should focus on making the commission active, establishing reconciliation as a good practice for problem solving, making lenders involved in problem solving, making the local level responsible, and involving the judicial committee. Taking the help of the customs office, implementing the report of the task force, fake tamsuk, dashtibandha, checks should be declared illegal. The mortgaged land should be returned unconditionally. Transactions of money should be done only on legal basis, that too in the local Rohbar. The existing dowry system should be put an end to, especially in the districts of Madhesh. For this, girls should be sent to compulsory school.

It is not possible to solve such serious problems from the central government. Citizens now have to hold the nearest government. The center makes a committee, it does not work. When they go back to Kathmandu again, the victims are in more pain.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २८, २०८० ०७:२७
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