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U-19 Volleyball live streaming from Kantipur Max


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CG Foods' YY is the main sponsor of the Sahana Pradhan Memorial U-19 Men's and Women's Volleyball Tournament in the capital and KMG's Kantipur Max Television is the media partner.

U-19 Volleyball live streaming from Kantipur Max

The competition will start from Sunday at Rakhep Covered Hall in Tripureshwar. An agreement was signed between Sahana Pradhan Foundation President Ram Kumari Jhankri, CG Foods Chief Executive Officer Pradeep Pudasaini and Kantipur Television Chief Executive Officer Shishir Pacchai in a program organized at the hall of Kantipur Television in Tinkune. Nirwan Chaudhary, managing director of

Chaudhary Group, said that as soon as the U-19 team is called, the youth will participate and in the future, the same youth will lead the national team, so he is happy to associate his brand with that team. The executive director of Kantipur said that Kantipur Television will widen its scope by live broadcasting cricket, football, futsal as well as national sports volleyball U-19 tournament.

According to the concept of developing volleyball from the grassroots level, the association of CG Foods and Kantipur Max Television in the tournament in which women and men U-19 teams from all seven provinces will participate is a matter of pride for the organizers, said Jhankri, the president of the foundation. The competition in which women and men teams from seven provinces will participate will be telecast live on Kantipur Max Television.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ ०७:१४
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