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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६१

'C' Division: Pulchok and RC-32 ahead at the end of the third phase


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The third round of the Shahid Smarak League 'C' Division has ended on Friday and Pulchok and RC-32, who are in the top two so far, have maintained their 100 percent journey. Pulchok is at the top with nine points while RC-32 is in the second position with the same nine points.

'C' Division: Pulchok and RC-32 ahead at the end of the third phase

These two clubs are undefeated and have a 100% start in the league. In the last match of the third round, Manohara defeated Golbazar 2-1. With this win, Manohara has risen to the fourth position in the points table. He has six points. This is Manohara's second win in a row.

On the contrary, Golbazar was defeated for the second game in a row and was limited to one point. Golbazar is in the relegation zone, being second from the bottom. Along with the champion team, the top two teams will be promoted to the 'B' division, while the bottom two teams will be relegated and go to the 'C' selection.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ ०७:५६
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