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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६१

Friendship Tanahun champion by stopping the game

आश गुरुङ

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In the 7th Smart Village Invitational Gold Cup football tournament organized at Smart Village Ghalegaon, Friendship Youth Club from Khare in Tanahun became the champion. In the final match at Swargbhoomi Rangshala on Thursday, Friendship won the title by defeating Bhuyan Khel Football Club from Swayambhu in Kathmandu by 4-3 goals in a tie breaker.

Friendship Tanahun champion by stopping the game

In the competition held in Ghalegaon, Friendship has won the title in its first participation. Vicky Chamling Rai made the most of Ram Shahi's corner kick in the 4th minute of the second half after playing a goalless draw in the first half.

In the 23rd minute, Richard Wilson of Bhunikhel scored a goal and tied the game. After taking off his upper clothes in Khushiyali, he was forced to leave the field after the referee showed him the yellow card again. 15 minutes of time was added as the game was limited to 8 players and played defensively without allowing a goal to be scored. Even at that time, both teams failed to score and the match reached a tiebreaker.

The winning friendship got Rs 5 lakh 50 thousand 555 cash, gold cup and Janhi medal. The runner-up, Bhunikhel Kathmandu, was satisfied with a cash prize of 350,355 rupees, a cup and a Janahi medal. Abayomi Fakunde of Friendship became the top scorer with 7 goals throughout the match. Amit Tamang of Bhunikhel was declared the best Kholadi. Both got Rs 10/10 thousand in cash.

Khwalasothar rural municipality chairman Surya Prasad Gurung, organizing tourism management committee, Smart Village Ghalegaon chairman Prem Bahadur Ghale, Bhanu Municipality Tanahun head Anandraj Tripathi and others distributed prizes to the winners. 12 teams from all over the country were invited in this competition.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ १८:०९
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