कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

Laborer goes missing after being washed away in Mahakali


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In Kanchanpur, a laborer went missing after being washed away in the Mahakali river this afternoon.

Laborer goes missing after being washed away in Mahakali

The laborers working in the construction company of the four-lane concrete bridge under construction on the Mahakali river went missing when they went to fish in the Mahakali river. According to District Police Office Kanchanpur spokesperson and Deputy Superintendent of Police Umesh Joshi, Dhan Bahadur Gurung of Barahtal Rural Municipality-4 Sajghat of Surkhet went missing after being swept away by the Mahakali.

The police has mobilized a diving team to search for the missing Gurung. He went to Mahakali to fish with other workers working in the company. Due to the rain, the water flow in the Mahakali river has increased, and the police have had a problem in searching.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १६:११
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