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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५५

National Identity Card: Due to lack of manpower, it is difficult to collect information from municipalities and wards

भवानी भट्ट

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Even though the Ministry of Home Affairs has arranged for the distribution of national identity cards from the relevant local level and ward offices, it has not been implemented due to lack of manpower. The ministry issued the directive on June 10 after the senior citizens began to struggle for identity cards at the district administration office.

National Identity Card: Due to lack of manpower, it is difficult to collect information from municipalities and wards

"The Ministry of Home Affairs has put arrangements for the distribution of identity cards from the concerned municipality on the website, but the circular has not reached us," said Dharmaraj Joshi, the assistant chief district officer of Kanchanpur He said that even in the district administration, there is a lack of manpower for the distribution of identity cards. It is mentioned in the announcement that the ministry is writing to the chief district officer to arrange the operation of details registration stations at appropriate locations in coordination with the relevant local levels based on the number of service users.

In addition, targeting senior citizens and the disabled, in coordination with the relevant local level, it has been directed to arrange the collection of details at the entire ward level. The government has made identity cards compulsory in 28 districts including Kanchanpur till the middle of July. After the government's decision on May 24, the district administration has started to see a crowd of senior citizens.

The crowd has increased after the identity card was made compulsory even to get social security allowance and pension. After a large number of customers came at once, there is a problem in service delivery in the administration. There is a situation where the customer has to stand in line all day long.

"We have arranged for the collection of identity card details from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening," Assistant Prajia Joshi said, "Now we have also managed five more stations apart from the regular ones."

The details for the national identity card were collected four years ago by reaching all the nine local level wards of Kanchanpur. Based on the information collected at that time, the national identity card distribution campaign has been started from February to every ward. But now the distribution campaign has been stopped and the employees assigned to it have also been assigned to collect the details, said Joshi.

According to the district administration office, up to 450 details are being collected daily. Joshi said that the station is being managed to collect details of 700 daily. Last year, the Ministry of Home Affairs extended the deadline from mid-July to mid-August, so the pressure of service users has decreased .

Some are hoping to collect details from the ward again, but the administration has said that it will not be possible immediately if the staff cannot be managed.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १५:३८
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