कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

The decision of the stakeholders of Jumla to make road travel safer

डीबी बुढा

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The concerned bodies of Jumla have resolved to make road travel safe as road accidents are increasing in recent times due to unsafe roads. They have made a commitment to comply with the traffic rules to secure road travel, widen the parking spaces and fully implement the signs placed on Saghura roads.

The decision of the stakeholders of Jumla to make road travel safer

With the development of the Karnali highway and the expansion of road access to villages by the local level, they have also come together to solve the problem of traffic management after the increased traffic volume. The District Police Office organized an interaction program and said that traffic police alone could not do all the work and asked everyone to cooperate.

Road encroachment has increased, citizens are not aware of traffic, vehicles are carrying more passengers than capacity, traffic signals and signs are not implemented at various places, roads and alleys are narrow in most places, illegal parking is happening etc. gave.

He also said that the constructive cooperation of the stakeholders is needed to manage the traffic smoothly and smoothly from the main market of Jumla to Rara Lihi, Triveni Kudari, Tatopani, Aireni Umgad, Bus Park, Airport and other places. .

The head of District Coordination Committee Gaurinanda Archay said that the risk of accidents has increased from the roads, streets, headquarter market to the rural market for humanitarian purposes. He argued that traffic management should be made effective from the headquarters to the market areas of the eight municipalities within the district. He also asked the traffic police to facilitate and coordinate with the relevant local levels.

Chandannath Municipality Mayor Rajusingh Kathayat said that the municipality will provide full support to make the traffic management of the market area effective. He also informed that parking management is given first priority.

Chief District Officer Jayakumar Ghimire urged transporters and drivers to follow the traffic rules. He said that the risk is also increasing due to the lack of traffic awareness among the citizens and the narrowness of the road. In such a situation, drivers, transport professionals, and local citizens should all be alert.

Everyone has pledged to help from their respective places to make Jumla's traffic management more effective and easier than in the past. But the police said that it is difficult to see everywhere because there are very few traffic policemen in the district.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ १६:५२
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