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३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

The cabinet could not be expanded for 13 days in Karnali

The formation of the Karnali state government is stuck in the Ministry of Social Affairs

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Even after 13 days of the appointment of Chief Minister in Karnali Province, the cabinet has not been expanded. Ministries have been without ministers since 21st of Chait. The chief minister has been running the government alone since the power sharing party did not agree.

The cabinet could not be expanded for 13 days in Karnali

UML Parliamentary appointed Chief Minister on March 27 The leader of the party, Yamlal Kandel, has not been able to reconcile the share of the ministry with the ruling party in Karnali.

CPN-UML alleges that there was a problem in the formation of the government when the Maoist center demanded important ministries, while the Maoist center said that the UML did not proceed according to the agreement reached before giving the vote of confidence to the Chief Minister. Chief Whip of Maoist Center Parliamentary Party, Ransingh Pariyar, said that now UML will support it without taking any ministry if it "fussed" a lot in the name of partisanship. "There is a lot of possibility of a Maoist center that will give a vote of confidence but will not be able to go to the government," he said. Otherwise, let the UML run the government alone.

According to Tekraj Pachai, chief whip of the UML parliamentary party, the Maoist center is stuck in the Ministry of Social Development. As the Maoist center did not give up its position, no agreement could be reached. He said, 'Maoists need to be flexible.'

After the Maoist center did not give up its stance on government formation, Chief Minister Kandel approached Prime Minister and Chairman of Maoist Center Pushpa Kamal Dahal and CPN-UML President KP Sharma Oli and requested them to facilitate the formation of the government. But there was no hearing. On the other hand, the ruling party, the Maoist Center, has demanded that the Speaker and the Chief Minister along with four important ministries be replaced. The Maoists have demanded that the Chief Minister should get half the term of the remaining term of the Provincial Assembly, along with the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning, Physical Infrastructure, Industry, Tourism and Land Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ९, २०८१ १३:१७
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