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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Tansen municipality brought a budget of 1 billion 76 million 76 million

Tansen Municipality policy and program and budget public
माधव अर्याल

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The policies and programs and budget of Palpa's Tansen Municipality have been made public. Municipal Mayor Santosh Lal Shrestha and Budget Deputy Chief Pratiksha Gaha Sinjali presented the policy and program in the first meeting under the 15th Municipal Assembly.

Tansen municipality brought a budget of 1 billion 76 million 76 million

In the assembly, Deputy Chief Sinjali has presented the income-expenditure equal to 1 billion 7676 million 20 thousand for the next financial year.

Financial arrangement for the next fiscal year 2081/82 is 847.77 million 7 thousand i.e. 47.96 percent for current expenditure and 919 million 99 million 13 thousand i.e. 52.4 percent for capital expenditure . 62 million 246 thousand for economic development, 83 million 81 million 92 thousand for physical infrastructure, 69 million 37 million 59 thousand for social development.

1488837 thousand for good governance and institutional development, 265 million 85000 for environment and disaster management. According to Deputy Chief Sinjali, the capital expenditure is higher due to the capital amount for the urban government program.

In the current fiscal year, Tansen Municipality estimated to have an income of 1.28 million 64 thousand, but by the end of May, 80.2 million 19 thousand, i.e. 78 percent of the target has been achieved. Out of the income during this period, 47 crore 92 lakh 72 thousand has been estimated for current expenditure of 54 crore 14 lakh 25 thousand and 46 crore 66 lakh 39 thousand has been estimated for capital, 19 crore 29 lakh 21 thousand and 67 crore 21 lakh 94 thousand i.e. 65.38 percent has been spent by the deputy chief. Sinjali informed .

She said that the purpose of the budget is to maintain transparency, frugality and accountability in public spending, maintain financial discipline and good governance, meet the minimum basic needs of the city dwellers, create jobs and reduce poverty through the commercialization of agriculture and tourism development. The objective is to encourage the public, private and cooperative sectors to become partners in development, to make maximum use of available resources and means, to build a socialist-oriented self-reliant society, to maintain consistency of budget policies and programs with sustainable development goals.

Public service delivery and promotion of good governance, infrastructure development and capital building, qualitative development in education, commercialization, marketing and modernization of the agricultural sector, income generation and self-employment and human resource development, environmental protection and disaster management are prioritized. She said that as well as economic and social development, multi-year plans and incomplete projects of the current financial year have been allocated priority budget.

Tansen Municipality's annual policies and programs for the coming year 2081/82, when allocating the budget in the policies and programs, popular programs such as city chief, mayor, excellent entrepreneur, city wisdom foundation, women's health program with the deputy chief, mayor scholarship, women friendly city, etc. The municipality has brought. Mayor Santosh Lal Shrestha informed that projects that use local resources, skills and create immediate employment will be selected. City chief Shrestha said that Tansen municipality has set a certain ceiling and criteria to reduce the number of small city level and ward level plans.

Children-friendly, environment-friendly, target class-friendly, local governance, sustainable development and common issues of development have been prioritized in policies and programs. The internal income of the municipality, inter-governmental financial transfer, revenue distribution and royalty amount have been accurately analyzed and policies and programs have been decided in a timely manner .

It is said that due to changes in equalization grants, revenue sharing and conditional grants from the Union and the provinces, the obligation to pay for programs and plans will increase. In the program, Deputy Head Pratiksha Gaha Sinjali presented the report of the Judicial Committee for the current financial year to the meeting, Hemantraj Shakya, Coordinator of the Economic Development Committee, presented the Financial Bill 2081 of Tansen Municipality, Maheshwar Shrestha, the Coordinator of the Education Committee, presented Pragya Pratishthan Education and Tansen Municipality's gender equality, disability and social inclusion regulations. Submitted by the student.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ १३:२५
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