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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७२

Pilgrim of Gulmi dies in Kagbeni

गगनशिला खड्का

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A pilgrim from Gulmi, who was going to Kagbeni pilgrimage in Mustang, has died after being hit by a lake. 68-year-old Krishna Prasad Lamsal of Malika rural municipality-7 Ghamir passed away, said police inspector Milan Bahadur Beek of District Police Office Mustang.

He said that Lamsal, who had gone on a pilgrimage from Gulmi, fainted while taking a bath at Kagbeni Dham on Sunday morning and died while being taken to Mustang District Hospital for further treatment after general treatment at Kagbeni health post. Relatives said that the deceased Lamsal went to Kagbeni Snan with his relatives from Ghamir in Gulmi for the sacrifice of his ancestors.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० १५:३६
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