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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

Puja in Khandbari wishing for world peace


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Wishing for world peace, a two-day world peace and Ayu Sadhana Aradhana Puja has started from Friday in Himalayan district Sankhuwasabha Khandbari. The worship was organized in the joint project of 7 Buddhist organizations of Sankhuvasabha.

Puja in Khandbari wishing for world peace

Narayan Shrestha, Coordinator of the Puja Organizing Committee, said that the Puja was organized to end the violent activities in the world and to wish the common people to be physically and mentally healthy.

Puja is attended by 6 main Lama Gurus from Lumbini, including Rinnehen Rinpoche Guru. Before the start of the puja, the Lama Gurus were made to tour different parts of the city, including the bazaar and the food market. A sacred two-day elaborate worship of Atiyoga Maha-Ratna Ganachakra was organized by the reincarnated Dolpo Buddha, His Holiness Lama Ranag Rinchen Rinpoche, in the form of Dharma-Desana Chavasum (Lama-Yidam-Khandoma, meaning Lama, Ishtadev and Dakini) Tritnamula Gurus, who was reincarnated in Dolpa, a Himalayan district.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २३, २०८० २०:५०
जनताको राय

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