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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

After Mayor Shah's absence, the City Council meeting of Kathmandu Metropolis was postponed

Mayor Shah said that UML and Congress responded that the Municipal Assembly was stopped because they asked to organize a program worth crores in the name of BP Koirala and Madan Bhandari.

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After Mayor Balendra Shah was not present, the fifth Municipal Council meeting of Kathmandu Metropolitan City called on Friday has been postponed. Mayor Shah did not attend the city council meeting which was called at 8:00 am today, and the meeting was adjourned until 11:30 am.

After Mayor Shah's absence, the City Council meeting of Kathmandu Metropolis was postponed

Naveen Manandhar, spokesperson of the Metropolitan Corporation, said that there is a program to discuss the budget for the financial year 2081/82 and pass the amendment proposal in the assembly. He said, "We had filed a proposal to amend the budget. Mayor Sap did not come even after waiting until 11:30." Mayor Shah said that the Municipal Assembly was stopped because of UML and Congress. Mayor Shah has written on Facebook, 'UML asked the Congress to organize a program worth crores in the name of BP Koirala, Madan Bhandari. I said to do four independent soldiers Saheeds in the name of Shukraraj Shastri, Dharmabhakta Mathema, Dasharath Chand, Gangalal Shrestha . Perhaps Congress UML has seen the contribution of Congress UML leaders more than them in the revolution of Nepal. After that, he stopped today's municipal council meeting and left.'

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १४:१५
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