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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The government should immediately correct the decision to recommend the ambassador: Former Foreign Minister Saud


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Former Foreign Minister and Congress MP Narayan Prakash Saud has demanded immediate correction of the government's recommendation to withdraw ambassadors from 11 countries and appoint new ones.

The government should immediately correct the decision to recommend the ambassador: Former Foreign Minister Saud

Speaking at a special time of the House of Representatives meeting on Thursday, MP Saud mentioned that Nepal has recalled the ambassadors in 11 powerful countries at a time when Nepal should make its diplomacy mature and reliable.

He The government said that Nepal's credibility in the international and diplomatic fields has decreased when the ambassador is returned. He was of the opinion that when the ambassador was appointed by dividing the power alliance, some refused the position and some advertised for the appointment of the ambassador, which harmed the reputation of the country.

"The parties of the power coalition have done the job of appointing ambassadors by dividing their shares". In this way, the ambassadors who have appointed something during their appointment cannot live in that responsibility according to our ethics. Therefore, there is a situation where we can't live in a place without standards and approval without taking approval from us. The conflict of interest of some appointed people is also being discussed in the public domain. Some political parties are making such a serious matter to be appointed by the government as a matter of selecting people in NGOs and are selecting ambassadors publicly by issuing notices and advertisements. Parties take out advertisements. This has damaged Nepal's diplomatic identity, dignity and our reputation in the world' He said .

He said that the initiative taken by the government regarding the implementation of the BRI project should be clearly stated.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १३:४४
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