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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Complaints of parliamentarians about differences in the budget


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In today's meeting of the House of Representatives, the MPs have complained about the differences in the budget brought by the government for the next fiscal year 2081/82. The idea came from the MPs that when the budget is allocated on the basis of power and access, there is too much in some districts and constituencies, but in some districts there is no budget even for the necessary plans and programs.

Complaints of parliamentarians about differences in the budget

During the ministerial discussion on the Appropriation Bill, 2081, the parliamentarians said that differences over the budget cannot lead to balanced development. Also, they emphasized on the need to strengthen the diplomatic relations with the effective implementation of the country's foreign policy.

Member of Parliament Arjunnar Singh KC opined that balanced development cannot be achieved due to sectoral differences over the budget. He said that budget allocation in one district compared to the entire province is a very sad issue. 'The budget is not allocated in a biased manner. This kind of partiality and unbalanced allocation increases dissatisfaction among the common people, so the budget should be focused on the common interests of the country and the people,' said MP KC. He said that there is a need to move forward with national consensus to realize the challenges and possibilities seen in the country.

MP KC said that the results of the 100-day work of the Ministry of Home Affairs were not satisfactory. He mentioned that there is a need for equal opportunities and incentives in the security agencies, saying that there are frequent changes in the police organization.

MP Raghuji Pant opined that there should be no discrimination in the budget. I do not want to comment much on the matter of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport. The ruling and opposition parliamentarians have already talked a lot,' he said, 'a minister is not just for one constituency and one district, but for the whole country. It is confirmed by the work of the MP, not only the ministry, but the parliamentarian who has fought from different communities, regions, genders or constituencies. He emphasized that the National Investigation Department should be brought under the Ministry of Home Affairs and the offices of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers should be made effective.

Skilled and qualified people should be made ambassadors

Parliamentarian Pant said that there is no fundamental deviation in Nepal's foreign policy and the country's foreign policy is balanced based on the principles of non-aligned foreign policy and Panchsheel. He also opined that the role of ambassadors in different countries could not be made effective according to the changed situation.

He emphasized on the need to make the Nepali embassy effective in tourism, which is a potential area of ​​Nepal and in countries where Nepal can receive financial support. He said that the government should not recall the ambassadors as much as possible and should retain them on the basis of their work without looking at their faces. He said that though ambassadors such as Gyan Chandra Acharya, Dr. Shankar Sharma, Dr. Sridhar Khatri were capable and qualified, the government did not send a good message by recalling them. He said, 'We should send people with qualifications and abilities. Skilled and qualified people should be sent to ambassador positions, especially in India, China and America.'

Member of Parliament Amanlal Modi said that because there are differences in the country's distribution system, regional discrimination is taking place, and he opined that the budget should be balanced and equal in accordance with the essence and spirit of federalism.

MP Santosh Pariyar broke the tradition of budget making and pointed out the need to introduce budget making procedure with national consensus. He said that if the method and methodology of allocating the minimum budget in all constituencies can be developed, there will be no criticism on the budget. He opined that the budget is an economic and political matter and since the budget accelerates the aspirations of Nepali people for transformation, development and economic prosperity, it is necessary to make it balanced and restrained. MP Pariyar stressed that the budget should be prioritized to make Karnali's development and people's lives easier.

He said that even if he wanted to, reforms could not be done in the home administration, he said that the home minister has the responsibility to work effectively in accordance with the hopes and expectations of the people to make the administration agile and sound in order to maintain good governance. Parliamentarian Pariyar emphasized that foreign policy should be made keeping national interests at the center and balanced diplomatic relations with neighboring countries and other countries should be strengthened.

MP Prem Bahadur said that in the discussion on the budget, the MPs focused only on regional issues and neglected the issues of other districts. Even though he repeatedly pointed out the project of Doti district, the budget He complained that he did not. He said, 'It is not good for a minister to be limited to only one district or municipality. The minister is the representative of the entire country. Don't allocate the budget with narrow mindedness.' He expressed happiness that the budget has been allocated to establish a trauma center in Doti.

Member of Parliament Ranjukumari Jha complained that the district of Madhes province was not included in the prison management action plan prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs. He said that it is necessary to pay attention to the monitoring and management of prisons across the country, saying that the condition of prisons is pathetic. He suggested that the Ministry of Home Affairs should take effective measures in cooperation with the local level to control drugs from the border areas of Madhes Province. She pointed out the need to bring the National Investigation Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs and to proceed with the investigation systematically.

Although ambassador is a dignified post, she emphasized that the dignity of the post of ambassador should be maintained, saying that the trend of appointing on the basis of quotas is causing problems in the country's diplomatic relations.

Member of Parliament Abdul Khan pointed out the need for the Ministry of Home Affairs to give priority to the construction of access roads and service facilities for border security personnel in the action plan for maintaining peace and security. He said that the main customs at the border should be organized, prison management should be made agile and efficient.

He said that it is necessary to make the embassies of countries with majority of Nepali workers active and effective. He said that Nepali embassies abroad should have their own building.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १६:५९
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