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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The government should abolish the district coordination committee: MP Suwal


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Prem Suwal, Member of Parliament of Nepal Labor Farmers Party, has demanded the government to abolish the district coordination committee.

The government should abolish the district coordination committee: MP Suwal

Participating in the discussion of the allocated budget of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation and the Ministry of Finance at the House of Representatives meeting on Sunday, MP Suwal also said that the federal and state governments should not interfere in the work of the local level.

'Abolish the role of the district coordination committee as it is not clear, the union and state governments will not interfere in the development work of the local level and provide complete autonomy and decentralization. Currently there is a water crisis in Delhi, the capital of India. Out of the 753 local levels of Nepal, at which level is there a water crisis? And what is the solution? It will be appropriate for the minister to present it here,' He said.

प्रकाशित : असार २, २०८१ १२:४०
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