Let's believe in Buddhist teachings to spread harmony: Prime Minister Dahal


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that if you believe in the teachings of Gautama Buddha, it will help to resolve disputes between individuals, communities and nations and spread harmony.

Let's believe in Buddhist teachings to spread harmony: Prime Minister Dahal

Today, on the eve of the 2568th Buddha Jayanti, Prime Minister Dahal said that the eternal words of Buddha are becoming more relevant in the world at the painting exhibition program held on Wednesday. 'Buddha's message of eternal non-violence, compassion and inner peace has become more relevant in today's world', Prime Minister Dahal said, 'I am confident that following Buddha's teachings faithfully will help resolve disputes and spread harmony between individuals, communities and nations.'

Mentioning that he always feels happy when he comes to Lumbini, Prime Minister Dahal said that Lumbini has historical and cultural importance as a center of peace for all the people of the world. He said, 'The government of Nepal has repeatedly expressed its commitment to develop Lumbini not only as a religious, cultural and historical place but also as a source of Buddhism and a center of education and intellectual pursuit.'

Expressing his gratitude for the tireless efforts made for the display of cultural heritage, Prime Minister Dahal said that the creativity and passion of specific artists is inspiring. Stating that the cultural dimension occupies a special place in the context of Nepal-India relations, the Prime Minister mentioned that the cultural dimension has kept the people of the two countries close since ancient times.

'Our cultural heritage is not only a source of pride', Prime Minister Dahal said, 'It is a treasure of knowledge, values ​​and traditions, which enrich our lives and shape our identity.'

Stating that mutual understanding, trust, respect and cooperation define Nepal-India multifaceted relations since ancient times, Prime Minister Dahal clarified that it has been strengthened by geographical proximity and growing cross-sectoral and multilateral involvement at various levels. "The government of Nepal is fully committed to strengthen Nepal-India relations according to the expectations of our people", Prime Minister Dahal said, "In terms of available opportunities, attention should be paid to the changing realities and opportunities for meaningful partnership in various fields."

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ २०:२८
जनताको राय

८ देशका लागि सिफारिस भएका राजदूतको नाम कस्तो लाग्यो ?
